Suffering from winter blues? These winter food act as perfect remedies!

Looking for a variety of foods to maintain a healthy immune system through the coldest winter months which come with shorter days, less sunlight and sleepy mood. Here are a few delicious winter foods that are widely used to combat winter blues and lift your mood.

Nuts, Beans, Legumes, Seeds

Vitamin E which helps fight anxiety, lack of concentration / attention .Make your meal tasty and healthy by sprinkling nuts/seeds/beans/legumes rich with vitamin E on cereal and salad. You can also spread some delectable peanut butter on whole grain bread and fruit for soothing your taste buds. 

Green Vegetables, Lentils

Your diet should primarily contain a plethora of vegetables, especially dark leafy greens like kale, collard,lentils, mustard greens etc which are rich with Vitamin B 12 and folic acids. Don’t worry about rushing at hospital for B12 injections, just eat greens and lentils and stay fit. Have more veggie-centric dishes containing spinach, beets, broccoli, peppers, carrots etc.


Vital vitamin called “sunshine vitamin” i.e. Vitamin D can be absorbed from mushroom. It is very effective to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder and depression.

Dark Chocolate

Well the list exciting when dark chocolate is included in it as dark chocolate has always been a tasty and fine way to combat winter blues. 

Fatty Fish

Rich with Omega 3 Fatty acids it helps improve mood and fight depression ultimately killing winter blues. Mackerel, anchovies, sardines, salmon, tuna and turkey are good choices.

Citrus fruits

Oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons and limes are perfect to combat winter blues because they're high in folate vitamin C and vitamin A, needed to generate the feel-good brain chemical serotonin. Include two or more cups of fruits and vegetables every day in your diet and stay fit.

Fermented Foods

Nourish the gut with fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut (fermented finely cut raw cabbage),kimchi(salted and fermented vegetables),kefir (drinkable yogurt) etc.


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