List Of Food Items That Help You Maintain A Check On Diabetes

Its truly said that its hard to control cravings but not impossible. For diabetic people, this statement holds some worth as they might always want to have that lip smacking jalebi or delectable basundi. But they need to be picky with their diet so as to control their blood sugar levels.The spike in sugar levels could affect into negative or even worse like heart attack or cancer.

People with diabetes need to choose their diet wisely to manage their insulin levels. Its a bit tricky job but would get easy once you finish reading this blog.
Here are a list of food items that diabetic people should eat to keep their diabetes in check :-

Non-Starchy Vegetables  

Eat these anti diabetic non starchy vegetables like beans,sprouts,carrot,cucumber, cabbage,baby corn broccoli ,spinach and lettuce.These vegetables contain less carbohydrates which helps in maintaing sugar levels. 



Some fruits are superheros for diabetes.Blueberries,cranberries and grapes top this list with their insulin resistance and glucose tolerance properties.

Whole grain food products

Look for 100% whole grain foods when shopping for a diabetic person.Products like quinoa,brown rice,cereals,oatmeal,cornmeal and also brown bread add on to this list .These foods are rick in protein which gives a boost to essential amino acids for converting fatty acids to energy and hence lowering cholesterol.

Heathy Fats 

Heathy Fats

All fats are not poor ,some of the unsaturated fats are healthy,like avacado,olive oil,nuts and seeds and canola oil.These fats are good for weight management and controlling insulin levels.

Hope this blog helps you make an informed choice about food to eat when you are diabetic.


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